This mother of two has been so amazing to work with, so patient and down-to-earth- and she even gave me potty-training tips for my little one (not me, don't worry, I'm potty trained already, phew)! Here are some images we took about a week ago, what a beauty!
I had such a fun time with this family that I couldn't pick just one or two photos to highlight their session. Their girls are so beautiful it was hard not to get a great photo of them. Thanks guys!
Little "N" is 7 months old and the last time I saw him he was just a newborn. He is so laid-back, smiley and just delicious! I've been photographing him since he was in his mama's tummy, what a super-mama she is- thanks so much B for letting me see your little guy, can't wait untill July when we capture all the boys together!
We were nervous about the weather holding out but it turned out to be just perfect for this 18-month-old and his totally hip, awesome parents. Thanks guys for sharing your little one with me, what a super cutie!!!!
T and I went for a quick hike this morning so I could try a couple of shots in an amazing root system I saw a few weeks ago- I would LOVE to bring some brave clients here to do a 'whimsical' photo; plus there are tons of other spaces to do more fun portraits! Let me know if you are interested!